3.3.7 The Emotionally Oriented Connecting-Perfectionist Personality Type.

Emotional-Connecting Personality type.


•        The nature of the whorl spiral is one of a curved shape that starts from a central point and gradually moves outward in a circular or helical pattern. It is The nature of a spiral is characterized by its continuous movement and its ability to expand infinitely. The spiral is a geometrical shape that has a unique form and structure.

•        One of the unique properties of a spiral is that it can create an illusion of movement or direction. This is because the shape of a spiral appears to be in motion, even though it is a static object. This creates a sense of energy and dynamism that can be used in art, design, and other creative fields. Overall, the nature of a spiral is one of motion, expansion, and continuous growth.  It’s a symbol of creativity, energy, and transformation.

Your fingerprint pattern is that of a Whorl Spiral which indicates you have an Emotional-Connecting Personality type. You have the natural ability to connect the dots and this pave the way for you to create your own unique belief system based on the experiences in your life. Once you create your experiential belief system it’s very difficult to come out of it. You tend to get trapped in the circular flow of thoughts and this makes you predisposed to display traits of emotionality because of your tendency to connect all experiences into a meaningful story. This ability to connect your experiences, tend to make you a perfectionist, with fixed ideas and viewpoint. Your brain can also be compared to a mixer which goes round and round and cannot stop on its own.

You are also a good researcher as you like to go into the depths of information to get to the bottom of things. This makes you form ideas opinions and beliefs based on the story you create in your head. Focussing on useless irrelevant information therefore automatically tends to immediately suck you down unconsciously like a whirlpool.  Hence it is very easy to spiral downwards into depression easily.

In the same manner, it’s very easy to connect the dots and also connect ideas positively which enables you to spiral upwards and feel empowered and become successful easily. This becomes automatic and at a subconscious level and can sometimes be overpowering. Hence focusing on useful or useless thoughts can result in you spiraling downwards or upwards respectively. 

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