Loops are commonly
used in efficient execution of repetitive tasks. They represent patterns and
sequences. The nature of a loop also includes the idea of control. A behavioural
loop refers to a pattern of behaviour that is repeated over time, often leading
to negative consequences. By recognizing and breaking these loops, individuals
can take control of their behaviour and make positive changes in their lives. Overall,
the nature of a loop is one of repetition, iteration, and control. Loops provide a powerful tool for achieving
goals, managing behaviour, and achieving success.
The nature of the
loop is a U-turn which depicts a change in direction that involves turning 180
degrees in the opposite direction. It is a complete reversal of direction, and
can also be used to change direction or to avoid an obstacle in the path. It can
also represent a decision to go back and correct a mistake or to take a
different path in order to reach a desired goal.
Your fingerprint
pattern is an Ulna Loop which indicates you have an Empathetic-Holistic
personality type. You exhibit qualities of being a loving, giving personality.
You are a “we” kind of personality and you basically love to include people
because you tend to see only the similarities in people and situations. Because
you tend to be easily influenced by the world around you, it makes you
extremely sensitive and this tends to get you hurt very easily though you never
show it out openly. Hence you feel like a victim deep inside. Because you are
empathetic, you have the natural ability to feel what others feel and hence can
connect to anyone easily. You are also as flexible as water which changes its
shape when poured in different containers. Another quality you have is one of a
passive conformist and can also be considered to be an escapist as you tend to
withdraw from confronting a person as you cannot get into arguments. You tend
to have an attitude of forgiving and forgetting. You cannot say NO to anyone.
You are flexible and adjusting. It is difficult for you to focus and you can
easily get distracted by people around you. Making a decision takes time as you
want to take every opinion into consideration before making the final choice.
You are very sacrific for others. On the other hand, you will tend to be
argumentative when you feel protective towards issues when your close ones or
friends are victimized. Only then do you get proactive and take a stance. With
experience, you can realize your power when you see the big picture in an
objective manner rather than be subjective and feel emotional when inside a
situation. You can then see the problem and the solution which lies in it only
when you look from outside the situation and become objective.