We all learn and we all learn differently. For the brain to process information, it needs to receive inputs. The brain receives input by way of sound, sight, or action. Based on the input the brain learns and accumulates information. This is called knowledge. The brain thus processes this information or knowledge to make sense in the internal world. Based on the processing capacity, behavior is elicited. The configuration of the brain can be seen based on how information is received, how it processes information, and how behavior is elicited. External behavior may appear to be similar in many people, but the inner configuration and processing can vary. The inner meaning is unique and individual to a person.
Motor Inputs
Visual Ability Occipital Lobe (Visual Skills)
Listening Ability Temporal Lobe (Listening Skills)
· The Kinaesthetic Ability Parietal Lobe (Kinaesthetic Skills)
2. Frontal Lobe Processing Skills
Processing / Thinking ability (Imagination & Analytical Skills)
3. Prefrontal
Executive Skills
· The Managerial / Planning ability (Decision-Making & People Skills)
1. AVK:
You first listen to people, then you observe and look to confirm what you heard, and it is then only then that you get to action.
2. AKV:
You first listen to people and get triggered to the action and it is only later that you look to observe and realize what you did.
3. KAV:
first get to the action then you listen to the reactions from others and only then
do you look, and observe what you did.
4. KVA:
first get to the action, then you look and observe the reactions from others,
only then do you listen and understand.
5. VAK:
first look and observe the people around you,
then you listen to what they say, it is only then that you get to the
6. VKA:
first look and observe the people around you,
and get triggered to the action, it is only then that you listen to what
they say.
Sensory Inputs
We acquire knowledge through our senses and motor abilities. We can of course learn positively or negatively. Just as we learn differently, we also naturally are endowed with different learning styles. These different styles are influenced by our sensory-motor learning abilities which account for differences in learning among people. We can learn through six different input styles.
You are a visual learner. You are triggered by your observation capabilities. You are a keen observer and hence get triggered by what you see, both positively or negatively. You are observant to minute details in the environment and are keenly observant about facial expressions of people around you.
You are an auditory learner. You are highly sensitive to sound and hence triggered by what and how people speak. You remember everything you hear because you have a good auditory memory. Every small sound in the environment is a clue for you to get mentally stimulated which triggers you to action.
You are a
kinaesthetic learner. You are the person who when indecisive about the next
course of action and what to do, you jump to action and then you are affected
and get influenced by the consequences of your action. You are a proactive
person and always prefer to learn by getting into action. Doing a task makes
you feel comfortable. Hence people feel you are hyperactive and unpredictable.
You are a self-triggered person.
Remember that
different people have different perspectives. People think based on their
unique individual brain designs. So it is important to understand that since
they speak different languages it is based on their own inner brain design.
Different people having different designs also face different situations in
life too. Hence do not act based on others’ opinions but base your decisions on
what you feel is right and what you want. Your decisions must be based on what
is right for you.
Having a strength
need not mean that it empowers. The areas of strength make a person more prone
to being sensitive and hence can be under the negative influence of that input
easily too. Understand if the sensory input is a strength or weakness.
Whatever may be the
combination of the six sensory motor sensory inputs that a person may be
designed to have, it is always important to develop and strengthen other areas
of input too. Strengthening areas of
weakness can be easy if the diagnosis of which areas need to be strengthened
and how it can be done is important. Be aware of the areas that sabotage
efficiency and plug in the holes to make a stronger self.
Challenge #1:
Being a visual
learner you are triggered by your observation capabilities. Because you are a
keen observer, you tend to get triggered by what you see, this could be,
positive or negative. But because you are observant of minute details in the
environment and because you are keenly observant of the facial expressions of
people around you, it could negatively trigger you by over-analyzing the
Solution #1:
Look at what you
want. Train to observe details that help you accomplish what you want to
Don’t look at things
that upset you or matters which is not important to you.
Challenge #2:
Being an auditory
learner you are highly sensitive to sound and hence get triggered by what and
how people speak. Because you remember everything you hear and also because you
have a good auditory memory, you remember every small sound in the environment,
which acts as a clue for you to get mentally stimulated and thereby triggers
you to act without your conscious thought.
Solution #2:
Listen to useful
things. Train yourself to listen to details that empower you and prove to be
beneficial. Don’t listen to things that are negative and demotivating as it can
disempower you. Work on motivating and empowering details.
Challenge #3:
Being a kinaesthetic
learner, you are the person who when indecisive about the next course of action
and indecisive about what to do next, tends to jump to action. You are hence
affected and get influenced by the consequences of your action. Being a proactive
person you always prefer to learn by doing things and getting into action.
Doing a task makes you feel comfortable and in control. Hence people feel you
are hyperactive and unpredictable. But you are a self-triggered person.
Solution #3:
Be proactive and do
things to accomplish and master tasks. Train yourself to act based on what is
important and useful rather than getting triggered to action. When triggered
you act based on others’ instigation and not what you want. So focus on what you
want to do and how to go about it.
1. AVK:
Since you are an AVK
learner, you first listen to people, then you observe to confirm what you
heard, and only then do you get to the action. This may be a strength but if it
is a weakness and is the cause for your problems make sure you alter the way you
get affected.
· Be
careful when you listen to the people around you and be careful what they say.
· Be
cautious with what you listen to. You may make yourself reactive rather than
· Train
yourself to be more observant even before you are told to think in a particular
· It’s
important to act on your own judgment and not be triggered by others.
2. AKV:
Since you are an AKV
learner, you first listen to people and then you get triggered to the action.
It is only later that you look to observe and realize what you did. This may be
a strength but if it is a weakness and is a cause for your problems make sure
you alter the way you get affected.
Be careful when you listen to the
people around you and be careful what they say.
Be cautious with what you listen to.
You may make yourself reactive rather than responsive.
Train yourself to be more careful
with the way you act.
It’s important to act on your own
judgment and not be triggered by others.
Train yourself to be more observant.
Look at situations and people. Be observant even before you are told to think
in a particular way.
3. KAV:
Since you are a KAV
learner, you first get to the action and then listen to people and their
observations about your behavior. It is only then that you look to observe and
realize what you did. This may be a strength but if it is a weakness and is a
cause for your problems make sure you alter the way you get affected.
· Your
behavior is important. Train yourself to be more careful with the way you act.
· It’s
important to act on your own judgment and not be triggered by others.
· People
may not be happy with the way you act. Be careful when you listen to the people
around you and be careful what they say. Train to listen to what you need to
know. Do not focus on what others think of your actions.
· Train
yourself to be more observant. Look at situations and people. Be observant even
before you are told to think in a particular way. The consequences of your
behavior could also be good learning experiences rather than feeling of
4. KVA:
Since you are a KVA
learner, you first get to the action. It
is only then that you look to observe and realize what you did. Later you
listen to people’s observations about your behavior. This may be a strength but
if it is a weakness and is a cause for your problems make sure you alter the
way you get affected.
· Your
behavior is important. Train yourself to be more careful with the way you act.
It’s important to act on your own judgment and not be triggered by others.
· Train
yourself to be more observant. Look at situations and people. Be observant even
before you are told to think in a particular way. The consequences of your
behavior could also be good learning experiences rather than feeling of
· People
may not be happy with the way you act. Be careful when you listen to the people
around you and be careful what they say. Train to listen to what you need to
know. Do not focus on what others think of your actions.
5. VAK:
Since you are a VAK
learner, you are very observant and wait for the right situations or the
appropriate opportunities. You then listen to people’s opinions on the right
course of action. Once you are sure only then do you get to the action. This
may be a strength but if it is a weakness and is a cause for your problems make
sure you alter the way you get affected.
· Since
you are a keen observer you look for opportunities and situations before you
act. Make sure you look at things that empower you rather than what disempowers
· Train
yourself to listen to people’s opinions. Get energized to act based on what
people say that is beneficial to you. Don’t get demotivated based on what
others tell you.
· Your
behavior is important. Train yourself to be more careful with the way you act.
It’s important to act on your own judgment and not be triggered by others.
6. VKA:
Since you are a VKA
learner, you are very observant and wait for the right situations or the
appropriate opportunities. Once you spot an opportunity and feel the platform
is right you get to action. It is only later that you listen to people’s
opinions on the probable right course of action. This may be a strength but if
it is a weakness and is a cause for your problems make sure you alter the way
you get affected.
Since you are a keen observer you
look for opportunities and situations before you act. Make sure you look at
things that empower you rather than what disempowers you.
Your behavior is important. Train
yourself to be more careful with the way you act. It’s important to act on your
own judgment and not be triggered by others.
Train yourself to listen to people’s
opinions. Don’t get energized to act based on what people say but train
yourself to listen to things that help you succeed.
Once information
through the sense organs reaches the frontal lobe it is focussed on analyzing
information that is got from the external world received through the sense
organs. Making sense of the information and processing it to deal with the
world around is the function of the frontal lobe. Imagination and logical
analysis are the functions of this part of the brain. Hence your ability to
process information can be understood here.
Because you have a
score below 19, you have difficulty with analyzing information and your
thoughts appear to be like a fill-in-the-blanks. You are sometimes clueless and
unable to understand unless you get inputs from your sensory input.
Because you have a
score between 19to 20, you are good at analyzing information and know exactly
what to do. You have clarity in thinking and acting based on this innate
ability to logically analyze information.
Because you have a
score of over 21, you overly analyze information and hence are stuck with too
many options and combinations of thought processes. Over-analysis can at times
leave you confused about the many options to choose.
v When
you have difficulty with analyzing information, you cannot make sense of the
world around you. Your thoughts appear to be like fill-in-the-blanks, and you
are sometimes clueless and unable to understand the situation you are in. You
can find solutions by either understanding and solving the problems or by
getting inputs from the outside world. Work on brainstorming your ideas to get
clarity. You can also solve the puzzle by talking to the right people and
gaining insights. Along with this you can also look up and read information to
get solutions to challenges you are trapped in.
v You know that you are good at analyzing
information. You know exactly what to do and therefore have clarity in thinking
and acting based on this innate ability. It is good to know this but when faced
with small challenges you can think things through. You could also get
additional ideas from the sensory inputs from the world around you.
v You
have the capacity to overly analyze information and hence are stuck with too
many options and combinations of thought processes. Over-analysis can at times
leave you confused about the many options to choose from. To get clarity, you
can list out all options and rewrite them based on priorities. Once you are
clear about the main important points, you can get to action.
You are an executor.
After you process the information and make sense of it by bringing everything
to order, you are ready to act on it. You are able to think, plan and come out
with action plans and then interact with the people in this world. You are now
able to execute what you have planned after due analysis and processing of
information received from the inputs from various organs.
If you have a score
below 20, you may not be able to effectively plan and organize thoughts. This
is because you are dependent on sensory input. Once information is received
through the sense organs you are triggered to action. At times you may appear
to be extremely prone to impulsiveness.
If you have a score
between 20 to 25, you are an executor. You process information and organize
thoughts which makes you ready to act on it. You are able to think, plan and
come out with action plans and then interact with the people. You are able to
execute what you plan after analysis.
If you have a score
above 25, you are flooded with thoughts and ideas. You are prone to inhibition
because of these excessive ideas. The inability to choose from the various
plans and options is a trait seen. Also knowing the consequences of each action
makes you prone to curbing the expression of thoughts.
v If
you are not able to effectively plan and organize thoughts it could be because
you are dependent on sensory input. Once information is received through the
sense organs you are triggered to action. At times you may appear to be
extremely prone to impulsiveness. Hence work on building your reasoning and
analytical skills. Plan effectively before you act so that you develop the
ability to succeed even though it may initially be a challenge. For this, you
need to brainstorm and also talk to different people to get adequate input
before you plan effectively and get to act.
v If
you are an executor, you process information and organize thoughts which makes
you ready to act on it. You are able to think, plan and come out with action
plans and then interact with the people. You are able to execute what you plan
after analysis. Continue the good job. If you face a challenge face it and
analyse it till you understand the situation and learn how to face it.
v If
you are flooded with thoughts and ideas, you are prone to inhibition because of
these excessive ideas. The inability to choose from the various plans and
options is a trait seen. Also knowing the consequences of each action makes you
prone to curbing the expression of thoughts.
Hence it is important to first brainstorm all ideas on paper and get
clarity about what to do. Then plan priorities to accomplish a step-by-step
sequence of actions. Channelizing energy is important to be successful.