5.1 The Art of Happiness: Awareness| Realisation| Transformation.



Since we are all configured differently, we all also differ in our definition of happiness. Our experiences of happiness vary and hence we now need to understand how we ourselves can make sense of our own lives. We can achieve this easily by focusing on what is important for ourselves rather than focusing on how we differ.  To understand this, we also need to first accept that we are all prisoners of our own minds. We are all trapped in our predesigned brains.  Thus we tend to experience happiness or sorrow based on that inborn pattern of perception that is so unique to ourselves only.


Being victims to our predesigned mindset doesn’t mean there is no way out. To release ourselves from this entanglement we need to first understand and develop an AWARENESS of who we are. It is only then that the REALISATION about our strengths and limitations comes to our conscious levels of thinking. It is only then that we can TRANSFORM ourselves to be whom we want to be.


Awareness: Having an insight into the basic configuration of your unique brain you can now start being aware of your unique style of thinking. So instead of behaving in an impulsive manner, it would be more powerful if you can watch and observe your instinctive thought patterns in every situation. You soon get to understand that you are instinctively thinking in a particular manner without any conscious thought. These thoughts are so instinctive and flow freely. Over time we tend to start understanding our own style and pattern. It is only when we understand the brain pattern that we can start trying to make attempts to steer our thoughts deliberately.  For any person to change they must first have the desire to do so. Then as one becomes aware of one’s own thoughts, we understand that the thoughts we think are influenced by the words we say, and this in turn is influenced by the pre-designed brain. It is very essential that we first understand who you are and how you are designed. It is only then that you understand why you behave so. This is the starter for change.


Realization: Once you realize that your perspectives have already been programmed and are functioning in autopilot mode, you come to realize that it is an unconscious process and you are helpless to change the person you are.  Once you have an understanding of your unique design then realization creeps in every time you behave in a certain way. Slowly you then try to control the way you react and that is when you are on the path to transformation. This realization only can bring about transformation.


Transformation: Once you are aware of why you are the way you are, then you can reprogram yourself the way you want to be in a slow systematic way. For this, you have to understand that you are the master and that it’s only you who can change your behavior. You are the decision -maker and only you can reprogram yourself. The moment that you are aware of the need for a change you are released from being a victim of your pre-destined design and you can now redesign your life the way you so desire, provided you work on it consistently. When you are aware of the power of your thoughts, and control your brain instead of using it in autopilot mode, then you can reprogram it to bring about transformation. If you can use it in synchrony with the universe and allow yourselves to change with time, experience, and situations then there will be a divinity in your every action. 


This training is intended for you to calculate your own unique mental configuration. Only then you will understand that though everyone is similar in so many ways they are also different in so many different ways. No two people are alike. It is then that you can transform into whom you want to be by designing the person you want to be and bringing about that change in a phased manner. 

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