Brain Dominance
indicates whether you approach a situation in a logical manner or in a creative
manner. The logical approach indicates convergent thinking, while the creative
approach indicates divergent thinking. So Brain Dominance indicates how your
brain approaches a situation. For this, you need to compare the ridges on the
left hand and right hand and compare the difference in score. The ridges on
your left hand are connected to the right brain while the ridges on your right
hand are connected to the left brain. Since you have more ridges on the right
hand, you are left-brained. Since you have more ridges on the right hand, you
are left-brained.
§ You always
tend to Think, "Why?".
§ You are filled
with many thoughts.
§ You also tend
to have a burst of answers.
§ You are driven
by Logic.
§ You are Analytically
§ You have Vertical
§ You have a
Linear style of Thinking.
§ You are a
Convergent Thinker.
§ You are also a
Smart Worker.
Since you have a
greater ridge count on the right hand you are more logical in the way you
approach a situation and are dominant in your Logical Ability. This indicates
that you generally do not get to the action or do any task until you understand
WHY you must do a particular task. Most people may think you are lazy but your
brain is overactive and is always searching for simple solutions. You have a
convergent thinking ability and you tend to try to consolidate all findings into
a simple solution or a conclusion with the core essence of what is being
experienced. Hence you are a smart worker and logically work through solutions.
You may take time to figure things out but you will definitely come out with
the right ideas to win. Since you are a logical thinker you are also a smart
Since it becomes impossible to have answers for every situation, you have to
utilize your right brain too. The Solution to the challenge of logical thinking
Instead of thinking
WHY, you need to think about HOW to go about the task. When you use the word
“HOW”, immediately your thoughts will open out and you will tend to get plenty
of ideas and be able to look at several options. You will then get passionate about the work
to be executed and use your intuition to get to action immediately. This
trained divergent thinking will make you consciously passionate, creative, and
ultimately a hard worker. You will never pause to think about why a task is to
be performed but rather look at the way to complete the task and win. Since you
will become a creative thinker you will also tend to become a hard worker.
Brain Dominance
indicates whether you approach a situation in a logical manner or in a creative
manner. The logical approach indicates convergent thinking, while the creative
approach indicates divergent thinking. So Brain Dominance indicates how your brain
approaches a situation. For this, you need to compare the ridges on the left
hand and right hand and compare the difference in score. The ridges on your
left hand are connected to the right brain while the ridges on your right hand
are connected to the left brain. Since you have more ridges on the left hand it
indicates you are right-brained.
§ You tend to think,
§ You tend to
be filled with emotions and feelings.
§ You always
seem to have a burst of Questions.
§ You are driven
by Imagination.
§ You are Creatively
§ You have a Horizontal
style of Thinking.
§ You are also
driven by Intuitive and Impulsive Thinking.
§ You are a
Divergent Thinker.
§ You also tend
to be a Hard Worker.
you have a greater ridge count on the left hand you are more creative in the
way you approach a situation and are dominant in your Creative Ability. This
indicates that you generally tend to jump to action the minute you are
triggered. You immediately think about HOW to go about the task. Since you get
plenty of ideas, you tend to look at all options, get passionate about the work
to be executed, use your intuition, and get to action immediately. Your
divergent thinking makes you passionate and creative and hence a hard worker.
You never pause to think about why a task is to be performed but rather look at
the way to complete the task and win. Since you are a creative thinker you are
also a hard worker.
Since it becomes impossible to act in every situation, you have to utilize your
left brain too. The Solution to the challenge of creative thinking is:
of thinking HOW you need to think about WHY you need to do a task. Immediately
your thoughts will converge and become more logical. You then will not get to
the action or do any task until you understand WHY you must do a particular
task. Even if people think you are lazy you need to trigger your brain to
become overactive and search for simple solutions. You will then develop a
convergent thinking ability and you tend to try to consolidate all findings into
a simple solution or a conclusion with the core essence of what is being
experienced. Only then do you become a smart worker and logically work through
solutions. You may take time to figure things out but you will definitely come
out with the right ideas to win. Since you will become a logical thinker you
will also tend to be a smart worker.