Kinaesthetic Skills: Looking at your left middle finger, it reflects your Kinaesthetic skills. Since you have a score above 10, This shows that you are a proactive person who loves to express yourself physically. You also love to show and display your feelings in an expressive manner. Playing games and releasing and expressing energy in the form of physical activity makes you be in harmony with yourself. You have the ability to integrate sensory information and form eye body coordination, and artistic ability. You have a preference for physical health, capacity, and ability in areas like dance, choreography, military, sports, and games. You cannot sit still and like to be proactive.
Kinaesthetic Skills:
Looking at your left middle finger, it reflects your Kinaesthetic skills. Since
you have a score below 10, it indicates you are not a very proactive person and
so may not express yourself physically. You also don’t like to show and display
your feelings in an expressive manner. Playing games and releasing and
expressing energy in the form of physical activity may not be your style. You
also do not have the ability to integrate sensory information and form eye-body
coordination. You do not have a preference or inclination for physical health,
capacity, and ability in areas like dance, choreography, military, sports, and
games. You would like to sit and be more passive.
· You could be lazy as you prefer to sit in one place and
· You could be overactive and like to be on the move always.
· Think of a small goal and then get up and achieve the
small target.
· Practice regularly exercising and expending excessive
· Channelize and activate my energies in tune with my thinking