4.1.5 The Impulsive Oriented Instinctive-Intuitive Personality Type.

Personality Type 5 The Instinctive – Intuitive Personality Type and Traits (Whorl Peacock)

Looking at your fingerprints you can see an Ulnar Loop pattern or a Radial loop pattern on your finger. The flow of the ridges moves either towards the little finger (the ulnar bone) or the thumb (the radial bone). But inside the loop lies a whorl.  If you observe you can see that the loop has one core and one delta. The ridges enter from one side of the finger and go to the center and again recurve and exit back in the same direction that it entered from. Notice that the ridge count is less and compressed on one side and on the other side it’s higher. The higher ridge count is taken to look at the flow. This is needed to observe whether it is a radial or an ulnar flow. The whorl inside the loop (which displays the finer quality of intuition) comprises of either a Spiral, a Target, or a Duality. The traits displayed by people with the whorl peacock are:


You are a holistic, loving personality and an empathetic Personality

You are a negative, judgemental personality and a critical Personality

•          You are a Positive Personality

•          You have a Democratic attitude

•          You have a strong sense of “We – feeling”

•          You have a Loving and Giving nature

•          You like to include others

•          You tend to look for similarities

•          You are very empathetic toward people

•          You can connect to anyone

•          You are easily influenced by others

•          You are highly sensitive to others

•          You are a Negative Personality

•          You have a Judgemental attitude

•          You have a strong sense of “I – feeling”

•          You have an attractive and luring nature

•          You like to exclude others

•          You tend to look for differences

•          You are very critical of people

•          You cannot connect to anyone

•          You are not so easily influenced by others

•          You are not so sensitive to others


Your 6th sense is very strong

•          You have the power of insight

•          You have intuitive powers

•          You sometimes in a flash know about things

•          You act based on the feeling you get.

•          You are guided by the divine

•          This force makes you connect or disconnect from people unknowingly.


You are stimulated and triggered to action

•          You get triggered when stimulated by the world around you.

•          You immediately jump to action with no forethought.

•          You are energized like electrical stimulation.

•          You are driven to act like a compulsion.

•          You could be driven in a positive way or a negative way.

•          Crisis happens when you are connected positively to the negative people


You are protected

•          You are intuitively triggered to action

•          Even though you may be negatively triggered you tend to be saved

•          You tend to experience miracles on occasions

•          You can be considered to be lucky as a miraculous escape is your style.

•          You are saved from the crisis by divine intervention.


The whorl inside the loop changes your orientation to get triggered to action

•          The spiral in the loop tends to make you ruminate over things and makes you emotional and a perfectionist.

•          The target in the loop will make you very focused and achievement-oriented. Anger may also be an outcome.

•          The duality of flow in the loop will make you indecisive and be indecisive and fear failure. 


Understand that

•          You are driven by the divine force

•          What will be will be

•          Acceptance is key to happiness

•          You can only flow based on His will

•          Do your best

•          Use your capabilities

•          Listen to the inner calling


You need to be

•          Be more focussed on intuitive abilities (the sudden flash)

•          Don’t disturb intuition with focused thinking

•          Accept the divine power and go with the flow

•          Impulsivity is your nature

•          You are driven and protected by the divine and the spirit. 

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