4.1.6 The Unique Oriented Comprehensive-Analytical Personality Type.

Personality Type 6: The Comprehensive – Analytical Personality Type and Traits (Double Whorls)  

Looking at your fingerprints you can see a dual pattern on your finger. The flow of the ridges moves towards both the thumb (the radial bone) and the little finger (the ulnar bone). Any duality in the flow of energy shows that those people will have positive traits of the Ulnar loop and Negative traits of the Radial Loop. The traits displayed by people with the dual flow are:


You have the qualities of the Empathetic- Holistic Personality type and also the contrasting Judgemental-Critical Personality type.


Initially, you have the positive traits

But when triggered you display negative traits

Loving and Giving

Easily influenced by others

We – feeling

You can connect to anyone


Highly sensitive and Feel hurt easily

Feel like a victim inside

No one understands feeling

Escapist because you cannot confront people 

Forgive and forget

Flexible and adjusting

Easily distracted


Can’t say NO

Prefers to consult everyone before making decisions

Likes to include others

Looks at similarities

Democratic leader


When it comes to people you love you become




Will fight to protect others but never for self

You can be powerful when you see the bigger picture

Come out of the situation

Become objective

You can see the problem and solution





Critical thinking

Rebels against ideas by others

Cannot connect with everyone

Highly critical

Makes others feel like a victim

have relationship issues

Unknowingly hurts others frequently

Cannot understand others feeling


Likes to exclude others

Looks at differences

Autocratic leader

Doesn’t like to consult before making decisions

Have an “I know it all” attitude

The constant fear of failure so wears a mask and cover your personal feelings

Philosopher by nature

Like to be Unique

Crave for recognition


You have dual nature

•          You can be positive and giving

•          You can be negative and expecting

•          You can be including

•          You can be excluding

•          You keep fluctuating between the two

•          Knowing everything

•          It hence becomes difficult to choose one over the other


You find it hard to make decisions

•          You can see all perspectives

•          You have a 360-degree vision of all aspects

•          Finding it difficult to choose one flow

•          Knowing everything but the inability to pick one

•          You always want to make the BEST decision.

•          You want the best but always deeply scared if it’s not going to happen

•          You want the best outcome for any decision made

•          You regret decisions if the desired outcome is not achieved

•          You tend to go forward and backward trying to decide.

•          Fluctuations in thoughts lead to fluctuations in decisions


You play the blame game

•          Since you cannot decide you ask people’s opinion

•          You choose the best advice given by others

•          If things go wrong, you have the tendency to play the blame- game.

•          This is because you find it difficult to take responsibility for your actions.

•          You cannot accept defeat in situations.

•          Independence and consistency is not your strength.


You have mood swings

•          You have elation when you have positive outcomes.

•          You are depressed when you have negative outcomes.

•          This paves the way for mood swings.

•          You never have mood constancy because of mood swings.

•          Your mood changes are dependent on triggers from outside.


You are a philosopher

•          You question life and people

•          You question God

•          You cannot accept the blind superstitions

•          You like to study the unknown

•          You have a diverse thinking style

•          You like to know about new complex things all the time

•          This thought process makes you have an I-know-it-all attitude



You like to be unique

•          You have a unique thought process

•          You like to be different

•          You crave for appreciation and respect

•          You like to stand out amongst the mass of ordinary people.

•          You hate to be common and want to be exclusive and unique.

•          You have expectations from people and so are a taker.


You detest being looked down on

•          When people make even the smallest comment about you, you feel insulted

•          You cannot accept feeling low

•          Small remarks feel like huge insults

•          Your ego needs to be pampered


You have a strong sense of fear of failure

•          There is a contrast between what you feel on the inside and what you show on the outside

•          You have a deep sense of fear of failure

•          You are scared of what people will think

•          But you show an attitude that you are confident and do not care.


Understand that

•          Your thoughts fluctuate frequently

•          You want to be independent but you tend to become dependent

•          You have an I-know-it-all attitude but have a deep sense of fear of failure

•          You need to learn to make mistakes


You need to be

•          Learn to become independent and make own decisions.

•          Face failure as a learning platform to grow

•          Make independent decisions and its ok to fail

•          Accept things as they are

•          Learn to let go

•          This failure is just a learning experience

•          It’s called wisdom

•          Learn to give and thereby attract people to you

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