Personality Type 7: The Perfectionistic – Connecting Personality Type and Traits (Whorl Spirals)
Looking at
your fingerprints you can see the pattern on your finger is circular by nature.
if you look at the centremost point or the core you can see circular or spirals
that go round and round and expand as it spirals. The traits
displayed by people with the spiral flow are:
You have a
connecting mind-set
· You connect all
· They can be
positive or negative
· You can
connect a positive to a negative or vice versa
· You then
create new connections and ideas
· This forms
your belief system
· This way of
thinking is what you have experienced and not the truth
· Different
people can experience and perceive the same situation differently
· Your thoughts
are your beliefs based on your experience.
· Different
people have different belief systems. It’s all about perspectives
You are
trapped in your thought process
· Once an idea
gets into your mind then you tend to ruminate about it only
· You thus get
trapped in your thought process with your own ideas
· You then tend
to get emotional once you get stuck in those thoughts
· Your thoughts
won’t go away but keeps spiraling round and round.
· Positive
thoughts empower you while negative thoughts disempower you.
· Moods are
thus determined by your perspective or the way you look at the issue
You have a
perfectionistic way of thinking
· You look at every
minute point in detail
· You have a
Researcher mind-set
· When you
don’t like what you see you tend to spiral
· If you
connect useless thoughts, you can go down into depression quickly.
· You can also
focus on useful thoughts and can spiral up to success quickly.
concerns are very important
· You are very
focused on health issues
· You have your
own views on what is right or wrong with reference to health and health issues.
· Your thoughts
tend to revolve round and round like a mixie.
· You get
trapped in thoughts and can spiral upward and downward based on the quality of
the simulation.
you can be powerful only when
• You are connecting positive ideas
• When you focus to see the bigger
• When you get out of the situation
• Look at yourself objectively from the outside
• Only then can you see the objective
holistic picture
• You can then see the problem and the
Transform to
• You need to be detail-oriented in
professional issues
• You need to let go of personal issues
• You need to be democratic and respect
others wishes
• You need to be focussed on important