4.1.8 The Target Oriented Focussed-Achievement Personality Type.

Personality Type:8 The Achievement – Focussed Personality Type and Traits (Whorl Targets)

Looking at your fingerprints you can see the pattern on your finger is concentric and circular by nature. if you look at the centremost point or the core you can see concentric circles or closed circles. The traits displayed by people with the whorl targets are:


You are a focused mind-set.

·       You can see only what you want to see

·       You are very determined

·       You have good short-concentration ability

·       You are quick to act once you know how to get what you want.

·       Once you achieve a target, you want the next equally fast.


You have an achievement mind-set

·       You want things fast

·       You want things immediately

·       You have high aspirations and want to keep on increasing

·       There is no satiation point

·       Happiness with achievement is temporary

·       You always want more


You want things too fast

·       Because you are Focussed you are quick and fast acting

·       You then tend to get impatient

·       Everything has a process, waiting is essential to a success

·       Patience and perseverance are not your virtue


You are Anger prone when blocked or faced with a hurdle.

·       Anger is natural when you cannot get what you want at the speed you want it

·       Especially when you want someone else to do what you want

·       You may either express anger externally or internally

·       Externally you may show anger by shouting, screaming, throwing, hitting etc

·       Or you may show anger internally

·       You are then quieter, calmer, internally targeted so they hurt themselves

·       You are then prone to isolation

·       You feel failure and tend to harm yourself as self-punishment



Understand that when you focus it must be on realistic expectations

·       Most often you have unrealistic expectations

·       You must remember that tasks for self and tasks for others must differ

·       You must remember people vary and hence individual differences exist

·       You must remember that some are smarter and some are weaker

·       You must remember success is relative

·       If you jump tasks and lack consistency, winning is difficult

·       You always want to climb higher quickly but slow down

·       You always have expectations from others


Transform to be

·       A winner by more slow calculated moves

·       Systematic methodical planning is needed

·       Patience is the key

·       Know that things take time

·       Work on the process rather than completion

·       Communicate so that others understand what you have in mind

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