4.6.6 Management Skills: Develop Planning Skills.


Management skills: Looking at your right thumb it reflects your Management skills. Since you have a score above 10, it indicates you are a manager and a planner. You are full of ideas, thoughts and plans. This makes you want to control the environment around you. You want others to follow your plans which you have designed for their welfare. You expect others to accept and follow your designs. This of course could be positively or negatively received. You have the management capability of planning, decisiveness, logical rationalization and the ability to self-reflect. You are thus able to manage situations by using your own logic and reasoning.


Management skills: Looking at your right thumb it reflects your Management skills. Since you have a score below 10, it indicates you are not a manager or a planner. You have a need for ideas, thoughts, and plans. This makes you helpless to control the environment around you. You always accept and follow the plans of others which are designed for the general welfare. This could be positively or negatively received. You have the capability of following the planning, decisiveness, logical rationalization, and ability of others. You thus follow situations based on the logic and reasoning of others.


·       You are clear about what you want to do. This clarity makes you very fixed in your approach and you are not open to new experiences or ideas and hence you are perceived as being headstrong.

·       You are unclear about what to do. You are confused and expect others to decide for you or give you an action plan.



·       When you have a fixed mind set you can sometimes make mistakes. Having a reality check is important. Always discuss your ideas to make sure you are not wrong in your plan.

·       When you lack clarity in what you want to do make sure you receive input from different sources so that you get a holistic multi-perspective approach. Then close in on the best option and act based on it. 

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