4.6.9 Auditory Memory: Develop the ability to remember words.


Auditory Memory skills: Looking at your right ring finger it reflects your Auditory Memory skills. Since you have a score above 10 it indicates you have a superb auditory memory. You have a black box in your head that records all minute details and hence replaying it time and again makes recall easy. You can be easily triggered by what people say; this can of course be triggered constructively or destructively. You have the potential to use your auditory capacity well which influences your language understanding, phonics, hearing identification, and auditory memory positively. You remember WHAT people say and the details of words and conversations spoken long ago. Though this ability is strong, too much information of irrelevant information in the auditory memory is also not beneficial.


Auditory Memory skills: Looking at your right ring finger it reflects your Auditory Memory skills. Since you have a score below 10 it indicates you have a lowered ability to recall from auditory memory. You have a black box in your head that records all minute details. But this is only for a few people you are connected with and hence you tend to replay it time and again making your recall easy, but only with a few people. You are not majorly triggered by words; hence your auditory capacity hampers your language understanding, phonics, hearing identification, and auditory memory. You sometimes do not remember WHAT people say and the details of words and conversations spoken long ago. Hence because of this lowered auditory ability, the lack of much relevant information in the auditory memory may be an obstacle.


·       You are triggered to hasty action by others’ words. You jump to action.

·       You fail to receive the right clues and remember valuable words given to you from the environment.


·       Think why before acting on instructions or suggestions. Think about the deeper implications of the words that people speak.

·       Note down all good advice given by people in case you forget those valuable words. Look through these pages when important advice is needed.

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