To understand your Neural Processing Speed, it is important to count the ridges or lines on your fingertips. To count the ridges or the number of lines on your fingers it is important to first establish the point of divergence also called the delta. Then it is important to identify the core or the centermost point of the fingerprint pattern. Once the point of divergence and the point of convergence is established, then you need to count the ridges and the number of lines between these two points. The lines between the delta and the core are the ridge count for that particular fingerprint pattern. Thus, it is important to understand various combinations of ridge counts as it has significance. Now looking at the total finger ridge count it indicates your neural processing speed.
If your ridge count,
is below 70, it indicates that you are a Repetition based learner.
Since the ridge
count is low, you are generally considered to be a slow learner and hence take
time and effort to process new information. Once you process the information
based on how you receive information (sensory input) then you are good to go.
Then when you understand better and the information has been grasped, you then
start applying your knowledge. It is then with clarity that you get to the action
with sheer hard work. Your ability to
then apply and use that knowledge allows you to be able to succeed in
accomplishing whatever you want. But remember, this process takes time and
makes you insecure with the pressure you feel, till you master what has to be
achieved. The time you take to absorb and understand information for effective action
and expression is longer. Once you have
understood and consolidated the information learned and accumulated, you are
good to go.
If your ridge count,
is between 70 to 100, it indicates that you are a Sequence-based learner.
Since the ridge
count is low, you are generally considered to be a slow learner and hence take
time and effort to process new information. Once you process the information
based on how you receive information (sensory input) then you are good to go.
Then when you understand better and the information has been grasped, you then
start applying your knowledge. It is then with clarity that you get to action
with sheer hard work. Your ability to
then apply and use that knowledge allows you to be able to succeed in
accomplishing whatever you want. But remember, this process takes time and
makes you insecure with the pressure you feel, till you master what has to be
achieved. The time you take to absorb and understand information for effective
action and expression is longer. Since you are slow in learning new information
you have to create a meaningful sequence and connect the information with a
story. Once these meaningful associations are done you will be quick on the
uptake. You have to be handheld initially and this will lead you to the path of
If your ridge count,
is between 100 to 130, it indicates that you are a Guidance based learner
Since the ridge
count is on the mid-level, you are generally considered to be an average
learner and hence take a little time and effort to process new information.
Once you process the information based on how you receive information (sensory
input) then you are good to go. Then when you understand better and the
information has been grasped, you then start applying your knowledge. It is
then with clarity that you get to action with sheer hard work. Your ability to then apply and use that
knowledge allows you to be able to succeed in accomplishing whatever you want.
Hence you are fairly good in learning new information but need guidance and
motivation from outside. With the right kind of pressure from the external
world you are able to master any content given to you. Freedom leads to
distraction and hence need constant monitoring.
If your ridge count,
is between 130 to 160, it indicates that you are a Challenge based learner
Since the ridge
count is fairly high, you are generally considered to be a quick learner and
hence take less time and effort to process new information. You quickly process
the information based on how you receive information (sensory input) and then
set a target that you will achieve easily. If external pressure is put you will
resist because you have the inherent ability to pick up information quickly on
your own. The only issue is that the information and task should be given as
per your choice. You are quick to grasp information and you are quick to start
applying your knowledge. You tend to have clarity and get to the action quickly. Your quick ability to apply and use your
knowledge allows you to be able to succeed in accomplishing whatever you want. You
are quick to act and fast in your expression.
If your ridge count,
is above 160+, it indicates that you are a Lightening based learner
Since your ridge
count is very high, you are generally considered to be a very fast learner and
hence take very less time and effort to process new information. Once you
process the information based on how you receive information (sensory input)
then you are triggered to action. Since you have the learning speed of a rocket
you get triggered and take off and finish any task given to you. But the
problem and challenge lies in what trigger you. If it is the information given
to you, all is well and good. But if you are triggered by the irrelevant it
also shows that you can be distracted easily. You are so quick that most of the
time you find it difficult to be in the present but run into the future or race
backward to the past.
When you face
challenges, you naturally tend to be apprehensive and because of the speed of
your brain, you tend to move back towards the past and feel the pain of
negative experiences and thus feel heavy. You feel you are carrying the heavy
baggage of the past, instead of letting it go. You must remember one thing, the
pain has been experienced and the situation is over, but you have the tendency
to carry the memory of the pain with you always. Instead of carrying the pain,
you must realize that the pain is teaching you a lesson. What to do or not to
do, when you experience a similar situation. Hence failures are stepping stones
to success. It teaches you invaluable lessons. We need to remember the lessons
and hold on to the wisdom acquired not hold on to the negative memories.
Similarly, when
thinking and planning for the future, due to insecurity, you tend to feel fear
of what will happen. You tend to think, what if? Immediately you tend to rush
to the future and worry about what may happen. Remember it’s only a
probability, not a certainty. So why worry about things that may not happen?
Instead, it is more
important to focus on what you want and how to get it. Take a step at a time.
Slow and steady always wins. Success will happen when you focus on what you
want rather than on what you don’t want. Control the speed of your brain.
Channelize energy and you will surely accomplish all that you set out to