Each individual in this Universe is unique. They respond to any given situation in their own way and also have their own philosophy of life. Once people face challenges, again and again, they want to control all factors to enable happiness. For this, a fundamental understanding of the self is required. But how to go about it? By understanding the Brain Design theory and by training in self-analysis, any person can understand, reconnect and reorganize themselves.
For this to happen you must first question yourself as to who you actually are. Unless you know yourself, you cannot help yourself. The training in knowing your Brain Design will help you to assess yourself and understand why you have actually become what are today. It is then that you can find ways to improve yourself.
For you to be independent or self-dependent you need to inculcate the following traits along with integrating them with your brain design.
1.Positivity: Knowing your brain design will help you change the way you look at things. Given your life situation, how can you assess yourself and take charge of the situation in your own way? Being a positive person enables you to tackle the situation and find solutions to your problems. You will soon realize that any problem has many options and can be solved in many ways.
2.Communication: The most important tool for solving any problem is communication. Both written and spoken communication resolves many issues. The more the clarity in communication the more easily a problem can be solved.
3.Self-Centered: When you want to succeed you must be more holistic than self-centered otherwise you are bound to hurt people and create more problems in life. Moreover, it totally closes one’s mind to any fresh inputs and stagnates the mind.
4.Socialization: Learn to intermingle with various groups in society so that they get many target audiences to address and communication too. Socialization brings you into contact with many people and hence you tend to learn so many things from others that would have otherwise been impossible for you.
5.Problem-Solving: This is a critical skill you need to utilize at a personal and professional level when you are presented with a variety of problems. However, you will soon understand that none of them, whether personal or professional are insurmountable. Problems can take away your mental equilibrium and can intensify stress in you. You can solve these problems better naturally when you are at peace with yourself.
6.Self-Initiation: This training is predominantly aimed at self-initiation. Unless you try to resolve the problem, the remedy will never get initiated. Similarly, for anything you do, whether positive or negative initiation is the key. Self-initiation is always the best because it does not require another external agency to initiate your remedy.
7.Vision-Mission: Your vision is your long-term goal, the ability to plan the future with wisdom. Your mission is the core purpose that is in tune with your Vision. Your Vision in life channelizes your entire energies towards striving for your goal. Unless you have a vision you would not be able to channel your effort and the talent and the ability get diffused. Similarly, it is useful for you to have a mission that would enable you to achieve your vision.
8.Values: You are a member of society and society has evolved for your benefit. Values are nothing but a set of rules placed by society to protect itself from deterioration which would in turn harm the individual. Therefore, respecting and adhering to societal norms is a must for you to avoid discord and friction. If you do not adhere to Values, you would drift in life and would face severe consequences.
9.Belief Systems: your belief systems and your societal values are linked. As you grow up you pick up many positive as well as negative things from the environment. These things get interlinked and form your Belief Systems. When these systems are positive they enhance your efforts and guide you efficiently toward your goal or Mission. At the same time if these systems are negative it leads you to stress and friction and makes you lose your way on your Mission.
10.Knowledge: For you, knowledge is a powerful tool in life. Doing any act whether in society or at home in an optimum manner needs knowledge. This helps you to plan for the eventualities that arise, be it in the home environment or outside.
11.Skills: Life Skills help you lead a better life. They help you to accomplish your ambitions and live a full life. Some examples of life skills are study skills, negotiation skills, employability skills, leadership skills, parenting skills, and so on. By learning new skills you can increase your understanding of the world around us and equip ourselves with the tools you need to lead a better life.
12.Abilities: Possession of a skill to do something is your ability. You can have abilities in many areas. But these abilities need to be continuously upgraded by further improvement in your life. No doubt abilities to a large extent are inborn by genetic makeup but one can also improve abilities by training oneself with dedication.
13.Attitude: This is a settled way of thinking about something. We tend not to accept anything that is not as per attitude. Postivi attitude makes a person do something to improve themself and the environment. While a negative attitude does exactly the opposite.
14. Perception: This is your ability to interpret something in a particular way. For example, when an event happens you judge it with your perception. The perception of any event depends on the eye of the beholder and no two individuals would judge it in the same manner. This is why it is important in your life. Our psychological responses are based on perception rather than reality.
15. Personality: your personality type and traits make you who you are. It helps build your personality. Your traits can be negative or positive which helps in developing a rounded personality so that you can cope better with your life. Unless you understand your personality and give your optimum, this helps you to become what you actually want to be in life.