1.6. The Evolution of the Brain Design Theory.



You go through life in search of happiness either directly or indirectly. You crave to achieve a state of happiness unknowingly yet at times in this search you go through phases of sorrow. Life can be sailed through smoothly but at times, it’s a challenge. As you go through different phases you tend to reflect back on everything that brought in happiness or sorrow. Retrospection makes you re-focus; re-plan and re-think and strategize to succeed in life. In certain situations, as you go through difficult times, at some point in time you have a question flashing through your mind, “What is Life?”, “Why Life?”, “Why Me?” etc. It is only when this question pops up in your mind that you are ready to explore and look at different perspectives of life. You have to understand that you are born with your own unique style of thinking.  This colors your perception and you find that it’s difficult to change the way you look at things. You are unable to think in any other way than the way that you do. Life goes on smoothly and so long as everything in the environment is going your way there are no shifts in your thought process. But there are times when you face adversity and it is at that point that you tend to retrospect on what you accepted as part of your life.


You go through life with this question “Why?” and sometimes do not get the right answer. Because you fail to get the answer you either resist the change or blindly accept it and finally land up feeling lost, disconnected, and alienated. Because you don’t get a valid explanation as to why you feel the way you do you may develop end defenses in your minds. You may try to give rationality to your life, attributing reasons as to why you do certain things or refrain from doing them. Sometimes you may just feel or happen upon the right answer and jump to conclusions. You may make decisions not based on logic but only based on intuition and emotionality. No matter which technique you use, and what style you follow, at the end of the day you survive and find your answers, be they legitimate or not. You also tend to make inferences and attribute everything to some explanation or the other which has to be accepted at least by yourself. Hence life goes on and before you realize it you grow old.  You make your own life theory so that it adds meaning to the understanding of your life and thereby making it more meaningful. It is only when you get realizations at the right time that you can fruitfully convert them to make meaning of all accomplishments.


To understand the power of fingerprints can be traced back to the development of the child in the womb. This amazing design of fingerprints is initiated in the mother’s womb around the thirteenth to the nineteenth week of pregnancy. At this stage of development, there can also be seen a unique complex connection of the brain with all the neural connections throughout the body but was especially noteworthy where it is seen in the development of the volar pads of the fingers. This connection between the fingers and the brain has far-reaching effects on later stages of development once a child is born. This can be said to be the manufacturing unit of a human being who is shaped by DNA.  The fingerprints are generated by the vibrations produced in the womb which are triggered by the mother’s thoughts. Research also showed that the mother’s thoughts have the power to change the genetic endowment of the child too. Thus we can conclude that the child’s personality was designed in the womb. It also helps us understand the power of the mother as a creator during pregnancy.


The implication of studies in various sciences shows the importance of the information about fingerprints having the power to change the world. The applications of this science can be powerful when applied to working towards the functioning of behavior too. It is powerful in shaping the lives of people, especially when focussing on the psychological application of fingerprints.  This study can quantify the potential of every human being by getting information from the ten fingers and giving us a powerful insight into the working and functioning of a brain.


The fingerprints clearly showed the genetic endowment of the child from both the parents and grandparents. There was also a new evolutionary factor that can be seen to influence the child’s brain development. This chance factor was that of the mother’s thoughts during the pregnancy term, which was also a major determining parameter for the evolution of fingerprints and brain development. Thus the theory of Dermatoglyphics has paved the way for quick intervention and counseling through a simple biometric assessment.


The psychology of a person can be understood by looking at fingerprint patterns as it reveals who we are and the way we are. The ridges and the ridge count is also other influencing factor of the speed in which information is processed in the brain. Each of the fingers has a corresponding connection to the respective brain area. 


The brain design theory throws light on how your unique brain was designed even before you even come out into this world, contrary to the belief that you need to be trained and molded to become who you are. The fingerprints are an index to the evolution of life. It is the unique autopilot program of a person designed in the womb.  Unless one can know and understand that design, it appears there is utter helplessness in neither understanding oneself nor understanding the actions of others. Fingerprints need to be observed and understood in detail as it gives answers to various challenges we face in society today.

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