1.7. The ART of Happiness: Through the Brain Design Theory

The Brain Design Theory

Self-Awareness I Self-Realization I Self-Transformation

The Biometric Psychological and Behavioural Self-Assessment Tool

The Structure:

The human brain is an intricate neurologically designed structure that is tailored to specifically cater to a specific purpose and is exclusively meant for a particular functionality. Each part of the brain has a complex network of sensory and motor structures which work instinctively to protect and maintain an individual’s behavior.


The Function:

The brain-mind connection is designed to enable an individual to comprehend and function more effectively. Every individual is uniquely endowed with different configurations of these structures that influence the capabilities of an individual. This potential within a person is based on the genetic endowment at birth.


The Structure-Function Coordination:

The brain-mind interaction thus impacts the sensory information received by each uniquely configured brain. This unique configuration influences the way a person interprets information based on past experiences. This psychological processing influences the behavioral functionality of an individual. The human mind thus has the innate ability to think and process information uniquely, which influences the meaning a person makes about the world around them.


The Theory of The Brain Design:

The theory of The Brain Design explains the unconscious and instinctive way that a person thinks, feels, and acts. The Brain Design Theory helps in understanding the functioning of the brain which thereby helps make life more meaningful and happy.


The Goal of the Human Brain:

Every person tries to draw meaning from a life based on the subconscious processing of experiences over a person’s lifetime. Man craves happiness but its meaning varies from person to person based on the Unique Brain Design one is born with. Each person’s definition is different but no matter what may be the experiences one has, the ultimate goal of life is to attain a state of Happiness eternally! To achieve it we try to excel in various fields. We thus utilize our energy and also become focussed to accomplish tasks and thereby expect to get happiness.


An easier way to happiness is to first understand who you are. We frequently ask ourselves questions about “Who am I?  What do I need to do? How can I master my mind? How can I exhibit my abilities? How can I reach success?” These are the questions that frequent our thoughts during our lifetime at some point in time or the other. 


The solution is simple! We are all gifted with a few strengths and abilities by birth. If we perform tasks that we are good at then success is sure to follow. Happiness happens automatically. We can thus understand who we are by the biometric self-assessment. This assessment is based on the theory of Dermatoglyphics.


The Biometric Personality Assessment Tool is based on the science of Dermatoglyphics which is a 200-year-old intensively researched subject. Derma means skin and glyphic refers to the study of ridges on the fingers. When you are conceived in the mother’s womb you are the product of your parent’s genes. The DNA of your parents influences your DNA. In the womb your brain develops and so do the fingerprints simultaneously. Not only do the genes of both your parents influence you but also your mother’s thoughts influence you and your environment in the womb.


When you are born, your brain is developed and so is your fingerprint. Once you are born your brain and your fingerprint don’t change. The fingerprint is thus an index of your mind. The fingerprint also reveals the software of your brain. Hence this brain analysis is a once-in-a-lifetime analysis. It is an index for understanding your operating system or your program for life. It can be said to be your instinctive way of thinking, feeling, and doing.


It takes a lifetime of experience to develop a strength that one doesn’t possess. Understanding the brain design helps one understand who one is rather than trying to become who one cannot be. You need to take care to understand the depth of the analysis. Your strengths which you take for granted need to be developed while your weaknesses which you overwork can be avoided.


How you process information external information based on how you internally process information in life is called experience. Experience helps in learning.  It helps you evolve into a wiser and more mature individual or into one who is depressed and negative.


 This analysis is thus an indicator of your core innate potential that forms the base of an individual. It is the program of your mind. It is your Unique Brain Design.

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