4.1.1 The Security Oriented Introverted-Secretive Personality Type.


Personality Type 1: The Introverted-Secretive Personality Type and Traits (Arch Patterns)

Looking at your fingerprints you can see the Simple Arch pattern on your finger. If you observe you can see that this is an arch that has no ridge count (zero) because it has no core or delta. They are just straight lines running across your finger from left to right.


You have an Introverted Mind-set

•          You like to be in your own personal space

•          You are internally focussed

•          You don’t like people to cross your boundaries

•          You feel insecure in new environments

•          Don’t like to share your personal feelings.


You are Secretive

•          You are a deep person

•          You never reveal the depth of your feelings

•          You are highly volatile and emotional deep inside

•          People unaware of this tend to overlook your needs

•          When you are not given the importance you need you tend to rebel

•          This could also be because you are non-expressive


You are slow on the uptake

•          It takes time for you to grasp new concepts.

•          A deeper understanding of new things takes time for you.

•          So you take time even when you want to even retaliate.

•          Once you have a flow of thoughts you start and then there is no stopping you.

•          Sometimes your words flow without even you understanding things.

•          It’s only after you say things that it dawns on you the implications of your words.

•          Clarity comes over a period of time for you.

•          You can be compared to a Tortoise, who is slow and steady when starting any new project.


You have a negative spiralling ruminating mind-set

•          You have repeated thoughts.

•          You also have a negative critical thought process.

•          You tend to be fault-finding.

•          You critically analyse everything.

•          You then tend to pass judgments about people.

•          These opinions are personal and formed over a long time.

•          You remember minute past events and then ruminate about trivial issues.




You have a feeling of isolation and loneliness

•          You have a need for being understood.

•          You feel insecure.

•          You feel threatened by others.

•          You feel no one understands you.

•          You do not express deeper feelings.


You are not as calm as you look

•          You are very emotional but never express

•          You escape into yourself when felt threatened.

•          You portray to be non-emotional.

•          You appear to be dormant outside but are an active emotional volcano inside.

•          You are slow in learning anything initially but take over once they have clarity.

•          You absorb information well but are in a blank state of mind till you express it.

•          You appear to be calm but when threatened or cornered you become aggressive.

•          You are a seeker of security, both physical and financial.


Understand that when you can succeed only when

•          You express feelings.

•          You don’t pile your unexpressed feelings for too long.

•          Some of the trivial issues may appear major to you.

•          You try to change your perspective.

•          You try to let go of fear and irrational thoughts.

•          You have unrealistic expectations.

•          You cannot control emotions if it overwhelms you.


Transform to be

•          Peaceful and calm.

•          Focus on what’s most important.

•          Write down points of importance.

•          Express inner pain.

•          Reconnect ideas to suit the world outside.

•          Refrain from negative expressions.

•          Look at yourself rather than others and learn from people around you.

•          There is no need for insecurity.

•          Enjoy happiness from the inside rather than expectation from others.

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