3.8 The Ridges on each finger: The Potential and Challenges.

Skills and Potentials

You are born with unique special abilities and possess innate abilities which are your core strength. In order to understand your Brain Potential, you need to first understand that each finger is connected to a particular area of functioning. By calculating the ridges of each finger and comparing it with other fingers you can understand how your brain processes information. This is the reason we think feel and act the way we do. A score of 10 and above is a strength and a score of below 10 is a challenge.


People’s skills: Looking at your left thumb indicates your ability with Peoples Skills. If you have a score above 10, it can be seen that people play a major role in your life. You are influenced by their opinions and by their expectations. On the personal front you will adore friends, who will play a crucial role in your life.  On the professional front since you are sensitive to people you will be sensitive to the client’s needs and hence be good in business when you listen to them and try to satisfy their requirements. You thus tend to have leadership capabilities and the ability to be objective-driven, having intuition, and act with a response to a goal. You like to socialize and are spontaneous to the public.


People’s skills: Looking at your left thumb indicates your ability with Peoples’s Skills. If you have a score below 10, people may not play a major role in your life. You may not be so influenced by their opinions or by their expectations. On the personal front generally, overall friendship may not majorly play a crucial role in your life.  On the professional front also since you may not be too sensitive to people you will also tend not to be sensitive to the client’s needs and hence may not be good in business. You may not exhibit leadership capabilities and act with a lowered response to people. You may not thus majorly like to socialize and hence are not so connected to the public.


Imaginative Skills: Looking at your left index finger, it reflects your imaginative skills. If you have a score above 10, it indicates you are an imaginative person who is confident and driven by a vision of ideas. When triggered you can easily create a story or can visualize what is required in the situation. Hence you will passionately get involved in a task. You have the ability for imagination, idea formation, visualization, 3D, self-expectations, and self-confidence. The ability to visualize and form ideas about something, think it through, plan accordingly, and bring about the understanding the ability to perform thereby also increasing your confidence levels.


Imaginative Skills: Looking at your left index finger, it reflects your imaginative skills. If you have a score below 10, it indicates you may not be a very imaginative person. You may be less confident and less driven with ideas. Even when triggered you may not easily create a story or can visualize what is required in the situation. Hence you may not get involved in such tasks. You may have difficulty with imagination, idea formation, visualization, 3D, and self-expectations, and hence also lack self-confidence. You may lack the ability to form ideas about something, think it through, plan accordingly, and bring about the understanding of the ability to perform thereby decreasing confidence levels.


Kinaesthetic Skills: Looking at your left middle finger, it reflects your Kinaesthetic skills. If you have a score above 10, This shows that you are a proactive person who loves to express yourself physically. You also love to show and display your feelings in an expressive manner. Playing games and releasing and expressing energy in the form of physical activity makes you be in harmony with yourself. You have the ability to integrate sensory information and form eye body coordination, and artistic ability. You have a preference for physical health, capacity, and ability in areas like dance, choreography, military, sports, and games. You cannot sit still and like to be proactive.


Kinaesthetic Skills: Looking at your left middle finger, it reflects your Kinaesthetic skills. If you have a score below 10, it indicates you may not be a very proactive person and so may not express yourself physically. You may also not like to show and display your feelings in an expressive manner. Playing games and releasing and expressing energy in the form of physical activity may not be your style. You also may not have the ability to integrate sensory information and eye-body coordination. You may not have a preference or inclination for physical health, capacity, and ability in areas like dance, choreography, military, sports, and games. You may rather like to sit and be more passive.


Auditory Sensitivity Skills: Looking at your left ring finger, it reflects your Auditory Sensitivity Skills. If you have a score above10, it indicates you are a person who is highly sensitive to the quality of sound. You exhibit a unique skill in music appreciation, the ability to perceive tone, pitch, rhythm, emotion, feeling, tone, sensitivity & sensibility. This indicates the possession of having a high auditory discriminatory ability of HOW people talk. You are so sensitive to the moods of a person that through a person’s speech you can understand their intention. You tend to judge people based on the tone of their voice and how they speak. You expect people to speak to you with respect and because of this skill it can trigger you positively or negatively.


Auditory Sensitivity skills: Looking at your left middle finger, it reflects your Auditory Sensitivity skills. If you have a score below 10, it indicates you may be a person who is not so sensitive to the quality of sound. Hence you may not exhibit a skill at music appreciation, and the ability to perceive tone, pitch, rhythm, emotion, feeling, tone, sensitivity & sensibility. This could be because you may not have auditory discriminatory ability regarding HOW people talk. You are less sensitive to the moods of a person through their speech and hence you may not understand their true intention. You may not expect people to speak to you with respect but still, the way a few people speak can trigger you positively or negatively.


Visual Sensitivity skills: Looking at your left little finger, reflects your Visual Sensitivity Skills. If you have a score above 10, it indicates you are a person who is highly stimulated by your vision of life. You have great dreams, desires and are passionate about how life should be for you. You are driven to satisfy this craving for quality in life. The inner drive thus moves you to action unknowingly. Your vision triggers you to action. You have graphical imagery and the ability to visually perceive images. You love to look at aesthetically well-designed environments. 


Visual Sensitivity skills: Looking at your left little finger it reflects your Visual Sensitivity skills. If you have a score below 10, it indicates you may be a person who is not stimulated by a vision of life. You may thus live a simple life and have no great dreams or desires and are thus adjusting towards how life should be for you. You may not be driven to satisfy this craving for a high quality of life. This lack of inner drive thus may make you lethargic at times. Your lack of vision doesn’t trigger you to action. You thus have an inability to visually perceive images and hence look at the environment in a more accepting manner.


Management skills: Looking at your right thumb it reflects your Management skills. If you have a score above 10, it indicates you are a manager and a planner. You are full of ideas, thoughts and plans. This makes you want to control the environment around you. You want others to follow your plans which you have designed for their welfare. You expect others to accept and follow your designs. This of course could be positively or negatively received. You have the management capability of planning, decisiveness, logical rationalization, and the ability to self-reflect. You are thus able to manage situations by using your own logic and reasoning.


Management skills: Looking at your right thumb it reflects your Management skills. If you have a score below 10, it indicates you may not be a manager or a planner. You have a need for ideas, thoughts, and plans. This may make you helpless to control the environment around you. You may always tend to accept and follow the plans of others which are designed for the general welfare. This may be positively or negatively received. You may not have the capability of following the planning, decisiveness, logical rationalization, and the ability to self-reflect. You may thus follow situations based on the logic and reasoning of others.


Reasoning skills: Looking at your right index finger it reflects your Reasoning skills. If you have a score above 10, it indicates you have an extraordinary ability to analyse and find reason in every thought flow. This makes you also a very good orator and your words are crisp and clear. You express ideas with ease and precision and hence your communication skills are good. Your thinking and grasping power are also very quick. Calculated analysis, logical rationalization, and vocabulary control is your natural ability. You are adept at saying the right words in the right manner in the right situation.


Reasoning skills: Looking at your right index finger it reflects your Reasoning skills. If you have a score below 10, it indicates you have a challenge in the ability to analyze and find reason in every thought flow. This may make your speech faulty and your words could serve as a negative trigger. Your tendency to the inability to effectively express ideas with ease and precision makes your communication skills weak. Your thinking and grasping power are also may tend to be slow. Hence your calculated analysis, logical rationalization, and vocabulary control may not be your natural ability. You may always find yourself saying the wrong words in the wrong manner in the right situation.


Action sequencing skills: Looking at your right middle finger it reflects your Action sequencing skills. If you have a score above 10, it indicates you have the capability of manual dexterity and finger control. You are hence adept at using fingers to draw, art, and craft. You are good at action sequencing (you are good at performing tasks in a manner such a manner that you know what should come first and what should follow after it) and this understanding makes you good at the logical step by step approach that makes everything appear simple. You are thus successful because of this ability to act in the right manner. You have the ability to carry out a task successfully, this is because you are clear about the steps and the prioritising of a task to execute it correctly, perfectly and with ease.


Action sequencing skills: Looking at your right middle finger it reflects your Action sequencing skills. If you have a score below 10, it indicates you may have a lowered capability in manual dexterity and finger control. You may hence not be so adept at using fingers to draw, art, and craft. You may also face challenges with regard to action sequencing (performing tasks in such a manner that you know what should come first and what should follow after it) and this may make you falter in the logical step-by-step approach and may make everything appear complex. You may thus make mistakes because of this inability to act in the right manner. You may have some difficulty in the ability to carry out tasks successfully, this is because you may not be very clear about the steps and the prioritizing of a task which may not enable you to execute it correctly, perfectly, or with ease.


Auditory Memory skills: Looking at your right ring finger it reflects your Auditory Memory skills. If you have a score above 10 it indicates you have a superb auditory memory. You have a black box in your head which records all minute details and hence replaying it time and again makes recall easy. You can be easily triggered by what people say; this can of course be triggered constructively or destructively. You have the potential to use your auditory capacity well which influences your language understanding, phonics, hearing identification, and auditory memory positively. You remember WHAT people say and the details of words and conversations spoken long ago. Though this ability is strong, too much information of irrelevant information in the auditory memory is also not beneficial.


Auditory Memory skills: Looking at your right ring finger it reflects your Auditory Memory skills. If you have a score below 10 it indicates you may have a lowered ability to recall from auditory memory. You may not have the black box in your head that records all minute details. But this may be true only for a few people you are connected with, and hence you may tend to replay it time and again making your recall easy, but that too only with a few people. You may not be majorly triggered by words; hence your auditory capacity hampers your language understanding, phonics, hearing identification, and auditory memory. You may sometimes not remember WHAT people say and the details of words and conversations spoken long ago. Hence because of this lowered auditory ability, the lack of much relevant information in the auditory memory may be an obstacle.


Visual Memory skills: Looking at your right little finger it reflects your Visual Memory skills. If you have a score above 10 it indicates you have a superb visual memory and hence you can read and memorise any material with your photographic memory. You are strong on visual identification capability, reading ability, observation, concentration, and sensibility in reading, etc. You are observant of every minute detail and are very sharp to judge a situation due to the ability to observe with precision. What you observe is difficult to forget. Since you are perfect in your visual memorisation, it can be productive but it can also mean, you cannot forget a negative scene in your mind which can be very difficult to forget and can cause trauma too.


Visual Memory Skills: Looking at your right little finger reflects your Visual Memory skills. If you have a score below 10 it indicates you may not have a very keen visual memory and hence find it difficult to read and memorize any material with your generic photographic memory. Your visual identification capability, reading ability, observation, concentration, sensibility in reading, etc. may be a little less dominant and hence may not make you observant of every minute detail around you. Since you are not very observant of every minute detail may also not be very sharp to judge a situation due to the inability ability to observe with precision. What you observe may not be difficult to forget. Since you may not be so perfect in your visual memorization, it can be confusing but it can also mean, you can easily forget a negative scene in your mind.  To be able to forget easily be a blessing at times.




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