3.7 The Pairs of Fingers: The Process and Configuration of the Brain.


We all learn and we all also learn differently. For the brain to process information, it needs to receive inputs. The brain receives input by way of sound, sight, or action. Based on the input the brain learns and accumulates information. This is called knowledge. The brain thus processes this information or knowledge to make sense in the internal world. Based on the processing capacity, behavior is elicited. The configuration of the brain can be seen based on how information is received, how it processes information, and how behavior is elicited. External behavior may appear to be similar in many people, but the inner configuration and processing can vary. The inner meaning is unique and individual to a person.


Sensory Inputs

We acquire knowledge through our senses and motor abilities. We can of course learn positively or negatively. Just as we learn differently, we also naturally are endowed with different learning styles. These different styles are influenced by our sensory-motor learning abilities which account for differences in learning among people. The highest percentage of the three fingers reveals the following traits.


The highest score on two little fingers over the two ring and two middle fingers indicates you are first a VISUAL LEARNER:


If you have the highest score in the two little fingers you will be a visual learner. You will be triggered by your observation capabilities. You will be a keen observer and hence get triggered by what you see, both positively or negatively. You will be observant of minute details in the environment and will be keenly observant of the facial expressions of people around you.


The highest score on two ring fingers over the two little and two middle fingers indicates you are first an AUDITORY LEARNER:


If you have the highest score in the two ring fingers you will be an auditory learner. You will be highly sensitive to sound and hence triggered by what and how people speak. You will tend to remember everything you hear because you will have a good auditory memory. Every small sound in the environment will be a clue for you to get mentally stimulated which triggers you to action.


The highest score on two middle fingers over the two little and two ring fingers indicates you are first a KINAESTHETIC LEARNER:


If you have the highest score in the two middle fingers you will be a kinaesthetic learner. You will be a person who when indecisive about the next course of action and what to do, will tend to jump to action, and then when will be affected and get influenced by the consequences of your action. You will be a proactive person and always prefer to learn by getting into action. Doing a task will make you feel comfortable. Hence people will feel you are hyperactive and unpredictable. You are a self-triggered person.


Hence everyone can learn through a combination of six different sensory input styles.

Based on the percentage of score between the sense organs ie. the score difference between the sum of the percentage of little fingers versus the sum of the percentage of ring fingers versus the sum of the two little fingers, you can be said to be first a…learner, then you will tend to be a…...    learner, and only later that you are a ………learner.


The combination of six different sensory input styles is:


1.    VAK: First a Visual learner, then an Auditory learner, and finally a Kinaesthetic learner.

2.    VKA: First a Visual learner, then a Kinaesthetic learner, and finally an Auditory learner.

3.    KAV: First a Kinaesthetic learner, then an Auditory learner, and finally a Visual learner.

4.    KVA: First a Kinaesthetic, then a Visual learner, and finally an Auditory learner.

5.    AKV: First an Auditory learner, then a Kinaesthetic learner, and finally a Visual learner.

6.    AVK: First an Auditory learner, then a Visual learner, and finally a Kinaesthetic learner.



Thinking and Processing by the Frontal Lobe

Once information is received through the sense organs, it reaches the frontal lobe, and the brain then focuses on analyzing information that is got from the external world received through these sense organs. Making sense of the information and processing it to deal with the world around is the function of the frontal lobe. Imagination and logical analysis are the functions of this part of the brain. Hence your ability to process information can be understood here. Looking at the score reveals more specific capacities you possess.


·      If you have a score below 19, you will have difficulty analyzing information and your thoughts appear to be like a fill-in-the-blanks. You are sometimes clueless and unable to understand how to do new things unless you get inputs from your sensory input.

·      If you have a score between 19to 20, you will be good at analyzing information and know exactly what to do. You have clarity in thinking and acting based on this innate ability to logically analyze information.

·      If you have a score of over 21, you will tend to over-analyze information and hence are stuck with too many options and combinations of thought processes. Over-analysis can at times leave you clueless about options to choose from.


 Output or Execution: Prefrontal Lobe

We are all executors. But the difference in scores shows the quality of decision-making and execution of any task. Generally, after you process the information and make sense of it by bringing everything to order your brain makes you ready to act on it. You can think, plan and come out with action plans and then interact with the people in this world. You will then be able to execute what you have planned after due analysis and processing of information received from the inputs of various organs. To specifically estimate your capacity, your score reveals a more detailed capacity of this function.


·      If you have a score below 20, you do not tend to be an executor as you may not be able to effectively plan and organize thoughts. This is because you are dependent on sensory input. Once information is received through the sense organs you are triggered to action. At times you may appear to be extremely prone to impulsiveness.

·      If you have a score between 20 to 25, you are an executor. You process information and organize thoughts which makes you ready to act on it. You are able to think, plan and come out with action plans and then interact with the people. You are able to execute what you plan after analysis.

·      If you have a score above 25, you are flooded with thoughts and ideas. You are prone to be inhibited because of these excessive ideas. The inability to choose from the various plans and options is a trait seen. Also knowing the consequences of each action makes you prone to curbing the expression of thoughts. 


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