Looking at your fingerprints you can see the Tented Arch pattern on your finger. If you observe you can see that the ridge flow of this Tented Arch which has a low ridge count (below 4). The ridges are like waveforms and rise high at the center. Sometimes the center is peaked high at the center but with a low ridge count.
are lost in Imagination
• You live in your own world
• You are happy in the privacy of your
own thoughts
• You prefer to be happy in your
idealistic thinking
• You are very creative in your thought
are Passionate about your ideas
• You feel for your personal thoughts
and philosophy
• You get emotional when you convey your
• You want people to accept your
• There is no sync between what you
think and what the world will accept
are very creative in your thinking
• You get lost in an abstract world
• Your thoughts are more idealistic than
• Your thoughts are overactive and
filled with creativity
• Life may not happen the way you want
it to be
• You prefer to escape into your own
imaginary world
• You are internally driven with a flavor
of imagination.
tend to escape from reality
• You do not like the world outside
• You are different
• You are unique
• You are creative
• When the outside world doesn’t accept
your thoughts you tend to withdraw
• You feel happy and safe in your
internal world
that you need to be
• Less idealistic and more practical
• To be more expressive with your ideas
• More outward-oriented than resorting
to escape mode
• Presenting your ideas in a more
acceptable way
• Understand that your ideas need to be fine-tuned
need to be
• More expressive.
• More people-oriented.
• Fine tune ideas.
• Connect to the world outside.
• Believe in yourself.
• Aware that your ideas are your asset.
• Aware that you are a rare creative
• Aware that your vision will be useful
for the world to transform.