2.5. The Tabulation of Patterns and Ridges.


Count and note the ridges on all 10 fingers:

The image of each fingerprint pattern is captured and calculated carefully. The ridge count is calculated, and the ridges from the delta to the core are noted it in a tabular format. The third aspect refers to the understanding of the pattern and the ridges on each of the corresponding fingers. This is because each finger is said to be associated and connected to specific parts of the brain and thereby influences those specific areas of your thoughts, feeling and actions.

Step 3. The images captured need to be coded into the following table in the following sequence and numbered accordingly:

          Finger           Pattern

Ridge count


L1 Left Thumb



L2 Left Index Finger         



L3 Left Middle Finger



L4 Left Index Finger         



L5 Left Little Finger



R1 Right Thumb



R2 Right Index Finger



R3 Right Middle Finger



R4 Right Ring Finger



R5 Right Little Finger







Note: The ridges can only be compared among the different fingers and NOT between different people’s ridge counts. Only the total ridge count can be used as a differentiating indicator of neural speed between people.

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